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How to update a license plate on my booking

When you make a booking/ reservation you are promted to associate the booking with a plate. This is to ensure you get access to gated sites or ensure you do not get a ticket for parking at a parking lot with no gates.

Step-By-Step Instructions

In case you change your vehicle or want to move a booking to a different vehicle, follow the step-by-step guide below:

  1. Tap Bookings in the menu

  2. Tap change plate on the booking

  3. In the plates view

    1. if you have already loaded your updated plate, tap the new plate.

    2. Otherwise, tap add a new plate

      1. enter the new plate number, country and whether you want to enable gate opening.

      2. tap add plate

  4. Check your booking details have been updated.

It takes up to a minute for the new plate to be register on our cameras, please wait at least one minute prior to entering the facility to ensure that the booking is synced.

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