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How to scan-to-validate your parking

Using scan to validate allows you to get a discount for your parking without using the app.

To validate your parking session, follow the below step-by-step instructions.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Scan the validation code at the validation location.

Option 1

If you already started a paid parking session. You can find your session by searching for your plate or email.

  1. Search for your plate or email to find your session.

  2. Click validate to apply your discount.

Option 2

If you have not started a session, you need to confirm your details to claim the validation.

  1. Click start parking now.

  2. Enter your email and plate details.

  3. Select your parking time.

  4. Complete your session.

    1. If payment is required select pay now and enter your payment details.

    2. If no payment is required, select start parking.

Frequently asked queries

What happens if I cannot find my session?

Check the plate or email matches the details you entered on your original session. You can see these details on your receipt. If you have a session in the app, you can update the plate on your session if this is incorrect.

What happens if my session has expired?

Contact the onsite parking team.

What should I do if I didn’t start a session?

You can start a session by clicking start parking now.

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